For Kids By Kids---Celebrating the Back to School Shopping Experience with Meaningful Graphic Apparel

"Back-to-school" is a special time of year that creates its own unique feeling we can all relate to. Even if you don't have children, you surely remember the excitement that builds as the summer ends and a new school year begins.

For kids, back-to-school is a time to move on to a new adventure and reunite with friends. For families, it’s a time to reset and return to an organized routine. However, with the disruption COVID-19 created in our lives, everyone's a little worried about the back-to-school experience this year. And everyone's feeling a little on edge regarding the protocol for vaccinated and unvaccinated students, teachers, and other staff. This uncertainty will most likely make this year's back-to-school event much different than those of previous years.

You might be wondering---will COVID rear its ugly head and have a repeat performance? Or, will returning to the classrooms and hallways be a smooth transition back to familiar routines? The answers are yet to be discovered and could be entirely different for each town, school district, and school.

But there's one time-honored back-to-school tradition even COVID-19 can't ruin---shopping for new clothes. And this year, students and teachers alike can find the perfect garb to best express themselves at For Kids By Kids. We are pleased to celebrate this mainstay of our culture with various apparel collections, including one rightfully named "Back to School."

For Kids By Kids--- A Mission of Empowerment and Inclusion

Β With the explosion of social media where memes rule, our society has re-discovered the power of words, and we are maximizing on this trend. Our company specializes in creating graphic apparel that embraces empowerment and inclusion with eye-catching and thought-provoking designs.

Because moving on to a new grade is a rite of passage, our designs celebrate this achievement in our "Back to School" collection. Your child will feel accomplished and empowered to take on new challenges while wearing specialty graphics highlighting their new status. Some of our clever selections include designs such as "Pre-K Crew" and "Hello 3rd Grade."

Other designs for both children and teachers portray school subjects such as science as cool, which addresses a growing problem in education---the belief that science concepts are too difficult and boring. The not-so-subtle messages on our apparel work to reverse this trend and help children understand that they can do anything they want to do with hard work and a passion for expanding their horizons.

Other Collections Also Make Excellent Back to School Clothing Choices

Our clothing collections address more than just advancing to a new grade and highlighting the cool factor of science. They are all about inspiring kids, teens, and adults to be nice humans with themes that exude kindness, tolerance, and inclusion. In fact, our designs specialize in celebrating the differences that make all of us unique.

Down Syndrome Awareness Collection

Let’s face it---growing up and being different from other children can be difficult. Sadly, sometimes our differences can make navigating life exceptionally challenging. This situation is especially true if your differences are misunderstood and you don’t look or act exactly like everyone else.

To combat the negativity that sometimes accompanies being different, everyone at For Kids By Kids strives to foster inclusion and celebrate the uniqueness in everyone. One way we achieve this goal is by fostering awareness for Down syndrome with clever t-shirt designs such as "Perfectly Imperfect" and "Down Syndrome Superhero." We even have a design with a simple "3.21" representing the three copies of the 21st chromosome---the scientific explanation for Down syndrome.

We believe that creating awareness builds tolerance in subtle ways and empowers those who might feel their differences exclude them. At For Kids By Kids, all of our clothing collections strive to follow this mission.

Together and Empower Collections

Another clothing line that highlights inclusion is the β€œTogether” collection.Β  With designs that say, "Better Together," society is reminded that we all need the love and support of others, and if we give that love and support freely, it comes back to us as well.

Similarly, the β€œEmpower” collection does exactly what its name says. It empowers kids to believe they can achieve their dreams. These designs have spunky sayings such as β€œDestined for Greatness,” β€œBe the Change,” β€œStrong Like a Girl,” and β€œFree to be Me.”

Our number one goal is to send kids back to school in this post-COVID year with confidence. And as simple as it may sound, we firmly believe that a simple, positive saying on a t-shirt can play a crucial part in thwarting negativity and promoting happiness.

The Finale

Whether it’s Down syndrome awareness, acknowledging girl power, a reminder to be kind, or generally promoting tolerance, our clothing collections have a distinct message and will send your kids back to school with a purpose.

And our purpose at For Kids By Kids goes much deeper than just creating witty sayings and eye-catching designs. We also have deep ties to the community.Β  In fact, we regularly donate a portion of our profits to worthy organizations that benefit children. This year, we proudly pledge to support DonorsChoose, an organization that helpsΒ teachers acquire the tools and experiences kids need for a great education.Β 

Ultimately, For Kids By Kids is a company with a conscience and a purpose. Our mission is to make this world a better place, one kid at a time. Every child and teacher who returns to the classroom wearing our apparel sends a positive message and creates a safe space where everyone can learn.

Even though most people don't know what to expect in this unusual post-COVID school year, we have your back-to-school clothing needs covered with unique collections that create awareness, promote tolerance, and make your kids look great!

By FKBK writer, Mary B.