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FKBK and Hiyababy Collaboration
 We are so excited to officially announce our collaboration with Hiyababy!  Hiyababy is an amazing non-profit organization located in Loudoun County, VA. Their mission is to provide little ones, ages 0-2 years, with "baby bundles" containing diapers, clothing, and other essential items that every child deserves. Cassie, the founder of Hiyababy, recently ran a drive in our community that left us feeling inspired to help. Many texts and phone calls later, our idea of the "together" line was born! What does "together" mean? To Hiyababy and FKBK, it means coming together as a community to support those who need it most.  ...
Community Involvement
Our Story
 I am a mom of two beautiful girls and a veteran with over 24 years of service in the Army. My oldest daughter, has led me to this adventure and we have combined our passions to bring you #FKBK. Our journey started during the COVID-19 induced home schooling. An idea sparked while we were "home-schooling" at the kitchen counter back around April 2020, and here we are today! My youngest daughter is a big inspiration in our journey. She is 2, she is amazing, and she happens to have Down syndrome. FKBK was created with inclusion and giving back...